Photo above: The RadiaBeam dechirper installed on the LCLS beamline at SLAC. This device is widely used to tailor the spectral and temporal properties of the world’s first X-ray laser.
RadiaBeam can build a full facility for you from the ground up, deliver individual components backed by expert support, provide turnkey solutions for commercial applications, or custom design linacs for research facilities. We’re the accelerator community’s single source. Under one roof, our capabilities include design, manufacturing, validation, characterization, and customization to your specs.
RadiaBeam offers most components and instrumentation required for modern particle accelerators: RF structures, magnets and diagnostics, along with all required mechanical, electrical, and thermal management hardware. Attesting to the quality of our components is the use of our parts by leading light source facilities worldwide including LCLS, BNL NSLS-II, PAL-XFEL, and FERMI at Trieste.
We are the trusted source for custom RF structures with cavities operating from
L-band to Ku-band in lengths from a single cell to several meters. Our accelerator physicists work tirelessly to ensure the intent of the design is met or exceeded while our in-house manufacturing and testing allow us to offer the most advanced designs at a competitive price.
We offer:
Photo and thermionic injectors
Injector linacs and rf transmitters
Accelerating structures
Bunching cavities
Deflecting mode cavities
High brightness injectors
RadiaBeam continues to achieve and then exceed new levels of performance with innovations in design, precision manufacturing, and testing, from our latest cutting-edge thermionic RF guns for high current (shown) to each new generation of Photoinjectors, improving upon the original introduced 20 years ago.

Injector linacs and RF transmitters
We offer linacs and bunchers in any frequency. Our High Gradiant S-Band Linac (shown) addresses the growing demand in industry for high gradient, ultra-compact accelerating structures, and supports twice the accelerating gradient of standard SLAC sections.

Accelerating structures
Our standard designs are matched to common RF sources for low cost. We also design and build custom accelerating structures for any frequency, energy, power, or size requirement. All are high-power tested and drop-in ready.

S-band and X-band deflecting cavities
RadiaBeam’s S-band traveling wave deflecting cavity (shown), or TCAV, is optimized for the longitudinal phase space measurement of sub-picosecond electron beams. For a more compact device or for extra-short bunch lengths, RadiaBeam offers an X-Band Deflector.

Air-cooled and water-cooled electromagnets of any size, in small or production quantities, are designed, machined, wound, and qualified in-house to exacting standards. Permanent magnets are constructed to achieve extremely high fields. Both low-cost standard designs and fully custom designs are available.
We offer:
Dipoles, quadrupoles, sextupoles, & octopoles
Spectrometer systems
Solenoids, correctors, & combined function magnet
Permanent magnets & adjustable lattices
Undulators & wigglers
From dipoles to octopoles
We offer a wide variety of dipoles, quadrupoles, sextupoles, & octopoles in various geometries to suit the most demanding applications, from a cost-effective solution for high-brightness, low-energy systems, to a quadropole design that packs a lot of field into a small footprint.

Spectrometers and steerers
We have a broad line of spectrometers and steering magnets to fit a broad range of applications, facilities and types of beams.

Our extensive experience in custom beam diagnostics accumulates the best practices of leading facilities around the world. From simple phosphors to drop-in ready systems, we have a custom solution for your beam diagnostics needs.
We offer:
Screen monitors with matched optics
Wire scanners and harps
Pepper pots and emittance slits
RF buttons and striplines
Faraday cups & toroids
Bunch length diagnostics & deflecting cavities

We offer customized, cost-optimized OEM linac systems for applications such as radiography, sterilization and irradiation. Tell us what you’re trying to achieve and our interdisciplinary team of physicists, engineers and manufacturing experts will customize a solution that makes your product or service go farther. We transform scientific ideas into physical reality.
We are able to offer the highest quality and best service since we design, manufacture, and test all of our structures under a single roof. Delivered with activated guns, high-power conditioning, and X-ray measurements, you can be sure you have received the best accelerating structure for your specific application.
We strive to provide the betatron or linac perfectly matched to your application. We offer single-energy and interlaced sources as well as ramped and variable-energy sources. Be it a betatron or a unique linac, we can fulfill any need you have.

Our custom accelerating guides, precision RF drivers, and modern control systems translate into compact turnkey linacs with higher beam quality, increased stability, and lower dark current. We provide electron and X-ray systems in all frequencies and all powers for research labs, prototype development, or OEM production.