Sergey Kutsaev, PhD. (RF Group Leader) has more than 15 years of experience in accelerator physics, including as an RF Engineer at ScanTech Sciences and at the Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Kutsaev graduated Summa Cum Laude from the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) in Moscow, Russia, and holds a doctoral degree in accelerator physics. He then developed an accelerator system for Homeland Security applications. His work includes RF, THz optics, quantum computing, electronics, electromagnetic design, multiphysics and beam dynamics simulations and software technologies. Dr. Kutsaev published about 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is a reviewer for such journals as Physical Reviews, Journal of Instrumentation and Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. At RadiaBeam, Dr. Kutsaev oversees companywide efforts on accelerator systems design. He has developed several commercial products, including medical accelerators, with the latest example of a thermionic RF gun, delivered and installed in APS injectors at ANL. Two more guns were purchased afterwards. For his achievements in accelerator physics, Dr. Kutsaev was elected as an IEEE Senior Member in 2020.